Week one is in the books and the season looks much different now then it did a week ago. Tom Brady and Shawn Merriman are gone for the year. These are huge blows to both teams who look to these guys for inspiration when the game is on the line. On the home front, the Browns got worked by the Cowboys and suddenly everyone, me included, is re-examining those lofty expectations for this season. The D-Line that was supposedly solidified in the off-season looked worse than last year. I agree with the LMoH, it’s hard to pin this loss solely on the secondary when the D-Line is giving Romo enough to time to take a nap in the pocket. And is it just me, or did the offense looked completely flat throughout the entire game. They played like they were up by 20 points. This loss deserves to be placed squarely on the shoulders of Romeo Crennel. It’s his job to fire up the team AND make good decisions in critical moments. He did neither of those this weekend.
Now, on to the week one prediction results. The Little Mime of Hate has come out with an 8-8 record while I’m floundering at 6-10. The Lions and Seahawks really screwed me.
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